Daily Moon Vibes: Flow in Tune with Mama Moon!

Astrologer + artist, Kathy Crabbe tunes into Mama Moon as she cycles through all 12 signs of the zodiac each month. Kathy shares these insights and transits with you to help awaken and strengthen your intuition. Included are affirmations and spirit animal medicine from her Elfin Ally Oracle Deck and Lefty Oracle Deck.

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Explore Your Options: Aquarius NEW Moon Vibes Feb. 3-5

Mama Moon enters the Fixed, Air sign of Aquarius on Feb. 3 at 5:03 am Pacific Time until Feb. 5 and is NEW on Feb. 4 at 1:03 pm and at Apogee (which means she’s as far away as she can be) which, in conjunction with a New Moon can lead to extreme weather conditions according to the Creative Crones Astro Diary 2019.

It’s also Lunar IMBOLC (Northern hemisphere pagan holy day) or Lunar LAMMAS (Southern hemisphere) which is the halfway point between the Solstice and Equinox and a time of FIRSTS; either the first sign of Spring or the first Fruits Festival.

During this oh, so significant Moon-time of firsts we also set our intentions for the moonth ahead encouraged by Mercury sextiling Jupiter and Venus entering Capricorn. Let’s GET BUSY!

Meditate, Moon Journal and share your feeling with others. Shake it up - it’s Aquarius Time! Go deep and EXPLORE your options. Is there some piece of the puzzle missing - Why? Be brave and find out by picking a card from my Elfin Ally Oracle Deck which, by the way is coming out very soon so stay tuned! The REVEAL is below.

The Elfin Ally Oracle Deck

by Kathy Crabbe
Elfin Ally Oracle Card Reveal

Card 1: Dragonfly Delight
Keyword: Delight Meaning; Take it slow for all that you need or want is at your fingertips.
Reversed: There is a troublemaker in your life that needs to go.

Card 2: Spirit Horse
Keyword: Graceful Meaning: With great pride and joy you charge forward trusting you are on the right path. Reversed: You are at the crossroads, stuck and uncertain.

Card 3: Yellow Butterfly
Keyword: Sweet Meaning: Today you are taking a different path; one that is lighter and truer to your heart’s goal.
Reversed: You are chasing dreams, not reality.
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I believe in dreams, creativity AND inspiring my peeps to awaken intuition and joy, no matter what. As a practicing astrologer + artist for the past 26 years I’ve learned a thing or two and I’d love to share that with you! Creative tools such as my Daily Moon Vibes, Oracle Decks and Astrology Reports will help to awaken your intuition, which is essential for navigating these often crazy times. Learn more here: kathycrabbe.com


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