Daily Moon Vibes: Flow in Tune with Mama Moon!
Astrologer + artist, Kathy Crabbe tunes into Mama Moon as she cycles through all 12 signs of the zodiac each month. Kathy shares these insights and transits with you to help awaken and strengthen your intuition. Included are affirmations and spirit animal medicine from her Elfin Ally Oracle Deck and Lefty Oracle Deck.
Aquarius New Moon: THIS is Your Sustenance
Dear Moon Muser, Let’s meet in the middle. This spiritual time is for you. To celebrate Mama Moon and yourself. NOW is the time. Be gentle, and begin. This is your sustenance. Be gentle. Be light. Float here for a bit in this space with me and our Moon Musing family. You are safe here and always welcome. The cards featured are from my own self published oracle decks. Look for the new Zodiac Goddess Power Deck to be released in Spring, 2020.
Time now to go deep.
Take some breaths.
Choose a card above then scroll down for the REVEAL.
Aquarius New Moon Reading by Kathy Crabbe
Card 1: Gemini Goddess - Tatsuta Hime (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck)
Tatsuta-Hime is a Japanese Goddess and a weaver. Every autumn she wove a beautiful, multi-colored tapestry and then transformed herself into The Wind blowing her own work to shreds.
Gemini Affirmations
I am adaptable and inventive
I am curious and on the move
I have a radically open mind
I am a dancing, rainbow spirit
I communicate well and teach that skill to others
I let go easily and quickly
Find your Gemini wings
- Seek the unexpected
- Flood your senses with stimuli
- Let your curiosity keep you on the move
- Weave social networks
- Juggle tasks and cross-pollinate ideas
Card 2: Polar Bear - Bear Power (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck)
Keyword: Spicy
Meaning: Your family or tribe take precedence right now.
Reversed: You feel left out in the cold and long for warmth.
Affirmation: I am guided by sun and star, love and light eternal.
Astrology: Saturn
Element: Earth
Medicine: In the depths of winter, your snowy heart melts away all resistance revealing a crystalline truth.
Card 3: Carolee (Lefty Oracle Deck)
Mantra: I am free.
Affirmation: I dare to be free.
Element: Earth
I am moon.
I am stars.
I am sun.
I am earth.
YOU, with your lies and false promises
will NEVER crush me.
If this card appears in a reading you are more than ready to forge ahead. You are brave and you are going for it; nothing or no one can stand in your way. Simple.
In my own life this card also speaks of raw, naked ambition and flaunting it without shame or fear. It’s a feminist card, a fighter card, a power card. Blessed Be.
About Kathy Crabbe
Artist, writer, teacher and soul guide, Kathy Crabbe invokes faerie goddess spirituality to heal, make whole and holy. She is Mother of the Lefty Oracle and Elfin Ally Oracle decks. She’s also sort of ambidextrous. Her work has appeared in We’Moon Datebook, Sage Woman Magazine, Sawdust Art Festival and the Women’s Museum of California. Kathy writes a moon column for Witches and Pagans and is a mentor at Wise Woman University where she teaches a Divine Feminine eClass.
Sparkly Blessings,
Kathy Crabbe
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