Crystal People: Making the Connection
Enter into an in-depth discussion about the world of the Crystal People. In this blog spot we will explore the truth that crystals are sentient beings and learn how to connect with them. We’ll cover all areas of quartz crystal such as how they form, methods of cleansing, clearing and programming, how and why to make crystal grids and other tools, how and where to dig your own crystals and much more.
EIGHT-SIDED FACE or GROUNDING CRYSTAL - stop, refocus and ground
This week we’ll be discussing Eight-Sided face or Grounding crystals. Eight-Sided face is a crystal shape that falls into the category of crystals of which you must count the edges of the main face, as we discussed with Channeling crystals. As a reminder, we need to discuss faces (also called facets) and edges of faces.
Remember that the edges of the faces are the boundaries of each face (or facet). Structurally, quartz crystal has six sides and six facets, and the "main face" is the largest face. Here's a reminder of counting edges:
In the image above, there is only 7 faces, an Eight-Sided face crystal has.... EIGHT! Surprise! You may have noticed the name Eight-Sided Face and wondered why it isn't called "Eight-Edged Face". It is because edges of faces are also called sides. I know. I can hear what you're thinking; “Geeze, Genn! We have sides of the crystal and sides of the face! Will I ever figure this out?!” Hang in there, you can do this! You will count the edges of the face, but then you will call them sides. In this case, Eight-SIDED face.
As I said, these crystals are also called Grounding crystals, and they have eight edges on the main face. If you remember, I said generally crystals have 6 sides and 6 faces. While it isn't uncommon to have seven edges to a face, in the case of Eight-Sided Face crystals, there is an extra edge. This is a rare occurrence (there are still only six sides on the body and six faces on the termination of these crystals).
Generally the Eight-Sided Face crystals are symmetrical (more like a "Stop Sign") but they may be in any shape (as the crystals in the example above), as long as there are 8 edges. A more desirable Eight-Sided Face, Grounding crystal, will be more similar in shape to a stop sign. What kind of energy does an Eight-Sided Face or Grounding crystal bring to the table? As the name implies, they are good for grounding. A stop sign also has eight sides; use this to remember that these crystals help you to stop and ground. I like to put my thumb on the grounding face (the largest face) and use it that way. You may also press and hold the grounding face to ground energy in any chakra.
An Eight-Sided Face crystal may have some of the sides missing due to crystal Imprints or damage. You can extrapolate and count edges. These crystals still have the energy of a Grounding crystal.
When might a person choose to work with the energy of an Eight-Sided Face or Grounding crystal? If you are feeling spacey or flighty, not quite all the way in-body... any time you feel the need to be more grounded is a good time to work with this crystal. To revisit just a few ways one might do this:
1. MEDITATE TOGETHER you may want to meditate with your crystal, it is best to cleanse, clear and program your crystal with specific intent so you both are on the same page. I find that if I am working with an Eight-Sided Face or Grounding crystal, I will put my finger on the main face, and press or rub the face as I connect to the grounding energy.
2. MAKE A GRID you may want to make a grid, featuring the Grounding crystal to assist that energy. If you only have one Eight-sided Face crystal, place this crystal in the center of the grid. If you have more than one, you can put them at the cardinal points as well as the center, etc.
3. CARRY IT WITH YOU in a medicine pouch, pocket, purse or as jewelry.
Today we've learned that:
- Eight-Sided Face crystals can only be determined by counting edges of the main (largest) face
- Grounding crystals may be symmetrical or not, the energy is grounding regardless
- An Eight-Sided Face crystal may be missing edges due to crystal Imprints or damage, but the energy is still grounding
- The eight-sided face, similar to a stop sign will help you to remember to "stop and ground"
- Work with the energy of an Eight-Sided Face or Grounding crystal any time you are feeling flighty, disconnected or too much in your upper chakras.
I hope you have enjoyed this discussion about Eight-Sided Face or Grounding quartz crystals; what they are, how to determine if you have one, and how to work with them. Next time we’ll discuss Elestial or Elestiated quartz crystals. Here is a recap of the past posts featuring the metaphysical configurations and links to where you might find these various crystal configurations if you decided you might like to work with them:
EIGHT-SIDED FACE / GROUNDING CRYSTALS (Any time you need to refocus and ground.) purchase Eight-Sided Face
DRUSY (To assist with ideas or thought forms ready to spring forth and grow such as thoughts or dreams, desires or wishes.) purchase Drusy read blog post
DOW or TRANS-CHANNELER CRYSTALS (For divine balance, and a connection with the self and Universal Truth.) Note: Dow crystals are rare, and I don't always have very many of them. Sometimes the ones I have are Dow by count (7-3-7-3-7-3) but have one large 7-sided face (present as a Channeler) or two large 7-sided faces and one small 7 (present as a Transmitter). If you order one, I will let you know at time of purchase what I have available. purchase Dow or Trans-Channeler crystal read blog post
DOUBLE TERMINATED CRYSTALS (Useful in any application in which you want the energy to flow in both directions) purchase Double Terminated crystal read blog post
DOLPHIN CRYSTAL (To encourage teaching in a loving, fun, joyful way, or alternately, to assist one to enjoy learning) read blog post
CURVED CRYSTAL (To assist with flexibility “go with the flow” or to cleanse or brush your aura) purchase Curved crystal read blog post
CLUSTER CRYSTAL (Raise the vibration in an environment or to assist with group dynamics) purchase crystal cluster read blog post
CATHEDRAL or LIGHTBRARY CRYSTAL (Raise your vibrational frequency or access Akashic Records) purchase Cathedral or Lightbrary read blog post
CHANNELER or CHANNELING CRYSTAL (To access higher wisdom, guides, other-world beings) purchase Channeler read blog post
BRIDGE or INNER CHILD CRYSTAL (To help Bridge between worlds or help to access your innermost self) purchase Bridge or purchase Inner Child read blog post
BARNACLE QUARTZ CRYSTAL (Wise energy; ‘new souls’ attracted to ‘old soul’ energy) purchase Barnacle read blog post
See you next week for Elestial or Elestiated quartz crystals.
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