Crystal People: Making the Connection
Enter into an in-depth discussion about the world of the Crystal People. In this blog spot we will explore the truth that crystals are sentient beings and learn how to connect with them. We’ll cover all areas of quartz crystal such as how they form, methods of cleansing, clearing and programming, how and why to make crystal grids and other tools, how and where to dig your own crystals and much more.
ETCHED Crystals and Sacred SIGILS - Surface features with special energies
This week we’ll be discussing Etching on crystals which falls under the category of surface features. Before we can discuss what surface features are, you need to know how to see them.
To view the surface features on a crystal (to keep from looking inside of the crystal), hold your crystal parallel to a light source so that you can use the glare that the light creates in order to see what is on the surface.
To illustrate this, imagine a lake with very clear water. If the sun isn't shining off the surface, then you see right down into the lake and you can see rocks and fish and weeds, right? But when the glare of the sun is on the water, you can see things floating on the surface like dust, bugs, or even ripples that you wouldn't have been able to see without the sun's glare. The same is true for surface features on a crystal.
The best way to do this is to find your best light source, which may be the sun if you are outside or a bright light or lamp if you are inside. Then, starting with the main face, work your way around the crystal by tipping it until you can see the surface features in the light's glare. (See how the glare on the surface of the crystal allows you to see the surface features on the crystal in the photo?)
Etching presents on sides as well as faces, so to look for Etching you would apply this technique to all surfaces of the crystal, not only the faces.
So what exactly IS an Etched crystal? Etched crystals have abrasions on the outer areas of the crystal that look like hieroglyphics or writing of some sort. I've seen them called Lightning Strike Quartz, as well. I don't know exactly what causes the etching, but it isn't always the same in all cases. Sometimes it is a type of shallow Growth Interference or the way the surface interacts with the environment in which it is growing.
Here is a crystal with Etching on the sides:
Here is another crystal with Etching on the sides:
Notice how differently each Etched crystal presents. In the first, it looks like pock marks, in the second, like raised and squiggly lines.
Below is yet another way Etching may present:
Because we're talking about Etching, we're going to need to discuss Sigils as well. The pronunciation of sigils is the same as "vigils", (the G has a J sound). Sigils are any markings that represent an idea. For example, a dollar sign is a sigil that represents money and abundance. Sigils are much more than just ordinary markings, however. They also call up a deeper, more architypical meanings and are used in magical workings.
Sigils are surface features and fit well with the topic of Etching (sometimes Etching takes the shape of Sigils, sometimes it doesn't). Crystals may have markings that resemble things such as snake skin, mountain ranges, water or even cities. I have seen many crystals that have three-dimensional cities made of layers of buildings that look like pueblos on the surface. Here are a few examples of some of these Sigils:
These Sigils are Etched and look like snakeskin:
Gas Phantoms are often etched in a specific way, they have a lot of triangles and sometimes whole layers of the face may be etched away. Here is a Gas Phantom and the etching usually present:
Here are three more Gas Phantoms and their etched faces:
Here are some etched faces, (not Gas Phantoms), which have angular etching. Remember, sometimes the etching may take on the shape of Sigils, sometimes it doesn't. It may also have a shape which speaks to you but not someone else (you may see a Sigil in the Etching, where another might not).
Because a Sacred Sigil is a marking that reminds us of an idea or evokes a memory or feeling, the meaning will depend on what shape the sigil is in and what that particular sigil represents to you. For example, the etching on the sides of this Dolphin Crystal look fluid to me, like rain on a windshield (or water on a dolphin).
To me, a lot of times the etching on crystals is symbolic in that it looks like writing. Sometimes it takes on the shape of faces, angels, animals, etc. What it is, is most important to the person working with the crystal, it doesn't matter what I see or what someone else says they see (or don't see). If you see a Sigil in an etched crystal, work with the energy according to what the Sigil means to you.
Here is an example of Sigils with a triangular shape. What do YOU see in these Sigils?
What about these?
The picture above is another good example of using the glare of your light source to view the surface features.
Do you see any Sigils in the Etching on this large Gas Phantom? Sometimes you may see faces or you may simply receive an impression of a Sigil (it may "remind" you of something or bring something to mind), even when you cant really say the etching looks like a particular Sigil which you could point out to another. Remember the important thing is what it means to YOU.
Today we've learned that:
- Etching is a surface feature.
- Etching occurs on the faces and or sides of crystals.
- Etching may be in the shape of Sigils.
- Sigils are markings which represent an idea and may mean different things to different people.
- To work with an Etched crystal, determine if there are Sigils and then work with the particular energy the Sigil represents to you.
I hope you have enjoyed this discussion about Etched quartz crystals and Sigils; what they are, how to determine if you have one, and how to work with them. Next time we’ll discuss Extra-Terrestrial quartz crystals, sometimes called ET or Extra-Termination. Here is a recap of the past posts featuring the metaphysical configurations and links to where you might find these various crystal configurations if you decided you might like to work with them:
EMPATHIC CRYSTALS (To bring out and amplify compassionate feelings.) purchase Empathic crystal read blog post
ELESTIAL or ELESTIATED CRYSTAL (To connect with angelic energies.) purchase Elestial crystal read blog post
EIGHT-SIDED FACE / GROUNDING CRYSTALS (Any time you need to refocus and ground.) purchase Eight-Sided Face read blog post
DRUSY (To assist with ideas or thought forms ready to spring forth and grow such as thoughts or dreams, desires or wishes.) purchase Drusy read blog post
DOW or TRANS-CHANNELER CRYSTALS (For divine balance, and a connection with the self and Universal Truth.) Note: Dow crystals are rare, and I don't always have very many of them. Sometimes the ones I have are Dow by count (7-3-7-3-7-3) but have one large 7-sided face (present as a Channeler) or two large 7-sided faces and one small 7 (present as a Transmitter). If you order one, I will let you know at time of purchase what I have available. purchase Dow or Trans-Channeler crystal read blog post
DOUBLE TERMINATED CRYSTALS (Useful in any application in which you want the energy to flow in both directions) purchase Double Terminated crystal read blog post
DOLPHIN CRYSTAL (To encourage teaching in a loving, fun, joyful way, or alternately, to assist one to enjoy learning) read blog post
CURVED CRYSTAL (To assist with flexibility “go with the flow” or to cleanse or brush your aura) purchase Curved crystal read blog post
CLUSTER CRYSTAL (Raise the vibration in an environment or to assist with group dynamics) purchase crystal cluster read blog post
CATHEDRAL or LIGHTBRARY CRYSTAL (Raise your vibrational frequency or access Akashic Records) purchase Cathedral or Lightbrary read blog post
CHANNELER or CHANNELING CRYSTAL (To access higher wisdom, guides, other-world beings) purchase Channeler read blog post
BRIDGE or INNER CHILD CRYSTAL (To help Bridge between worlds or help to access your innermost self) purchase Bridge or purchase Inner Child read blog post
BARNACLE QUARTZ CRYSTAL (Wise energy; ‘new souls’ attracted to ‘old soul’ energy) purchase Barnacle read blog post
See you next week for Extra-Terrestrial (ET or Extra-Termination) quartz crystals.
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