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FATTAIL (FAT-TAILED) SCORPION: Power of Life and Death

The most dangerous of the Scorpions are Members of the Fattail Scorpion Complex (Family: Buthidae Genus: Androctonus). The toxicity of the venom from these Scorpions equals that of a Cobra, and is just as deadly. Called “The Mankillers,” Members of Fattail Scorpion Complex have the ability to paralyze the heart muscles of a person in a few minutes. Moreover, They possess extremely large stingers to inject their lethal venom with.

 The eighteen Members of this Complex live in northern Africa and the Middle East. Unfortunately for people in these regions, these deadly Arachnids like to live in brick homes, especially in the wall cracks. Other places that you will find Them are under stones or in the steep slopes of sand dunes. Aggressive and bellicose in nature, Fattail Scorpions are difficult to eradicate from human settlements. This makes Them doubly dangerous. For these reasons, people have had to abandon their homes. Moreover, local hospitals keep, on hand, the antidote for the venom of Fattail Scorpions. However, because of their fearsome reputations, foolish people want to keep these Arachnids as pets. Local authorities usually dissuade such idiots from doing so before they endanger everyone else.

In Ancient Egypt, Fattail Scorpions were representatives of the Goddess Selket (Serqet). Depicted with a Scorpion on her head, Selket helped with the rebirth of the Newly Dead in the Egyptian Underworld. She would give the “breath of life to them.” (Her name, Serket hetyt, means “She causes the throat to breathe,” thereby describing the effects from the sting of a Scorpion.) Selket was one of the Four Goddesses protecting Tutankhamen in his tomb. If beseeched, She would also protect the living from the stings of Fattail Scorpions.

A king of the Predynastic Period of Upper Egypt has been depicted with a Scorpion sigil. “King Scorpio,” as he was called, entered into public imagination via the various popular movies that depicted him. Although his actual standing is hotly debated amongst Egyptologists, they did find ivory tags depicting Scorpions. These tags, belonging to King Scorpio, seemed to be for royal purposes. His choice of Fantail Scorpion probably reflected his desire to rule over his enemies.

Because of the deadly sting of Fattail Scorpions, ancient Egyptians often asked the Goddess Isis to protect them. Since Isis had a Scorpion Escort to protect Her against the God Set, people believed that her worshipers would not be harmed. Moreover, She had healed a child bitten by one of her Escort. Therefore ancient Egyptians had spells preventing a sting from a Scorpion that included a depiction of a Scorpion without a stinger and with an invocation to Isis.

Since They hold the power of life and death, Fattail Scorpions inspire fearsome awe in people. The Ancient Egyptians understood that because Fattail Scorpions protected Isis and her Son, Horus. Meanwhile, Selket, the Scorpion Goddess, eased the transition of the Dead into their new lives in the Underworld. Remember to responsibly use the terrifying power that Fattail Scorpions possess in your life.

Fattail Scorpions’ Teachings Also Include: 
Journey into the Underworld

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Virginia Carper, a Roman Polytheist, lives in the Washington D.C. area with her family. She navigates life with a traumatic brain injury which gives her a different view on life. An avid naturalist since childhood, she has a blog called “Nature’s Observations.” Having experienced the animals directly, she teaches on-line classes about the spiritual and natural aspect of animals. She has published articles on her brain injury, Roman polytheism, and working with extinct animals. In addition her writings on animals (including dragons and other mythic creatures) can be purchased her book site, Animal Teachers.  


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