This Artisan Life

Some say magic isn't something you do, it's something you are. Others say that their entire life is magical. While this might be correct for them, I would respectfully disagree that this doesn't work for me. I want my magic to be magical; I don't want to have to bring leaky faucets and flat tires into my magical realm. Having said that, there is a chance every moment to do something mystical, to connect with the nature spirits and the ancestors, to honor the old ways, and to walk the crooked path. This blog is about my journey, and how I celebrate the magic in the mundane.

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Get the Best from Your Reading

You've been contemplating visiting a psychic reader for ages. You've finally decided to take the plunge. The reader you have chosen comes with a lot of great feedback about her accuracy and how she has helped people. She starts speaking to you... and you just don't connect with her. It's disappointing for you, and for the psychic, but there are some steps that can be taken to insure that you choose the right reader, and that you get the most out of your experience.

This series of articles is going to look at the world of professional readers, from both the client's point of view and the reader's point of view. It will present to you both the good and the bad, and allow you to make an informed choice about the person you choose to do your reading. Education is everything – in more ways than one!

For a start, most people who are really seeking to improve their lives and their circumstances are not going to choose an anonymous psychic from a photo line up on the internet. There are many companies who will offer you free readings, or introductory minutes at special prices, to speak with their psychics. They will let you peruse the psychic's bio before you spend any money. It's all online, though; how do you know who this person really is? Let's look closer at that.

It's no secret that the economy is struggling and people are finding it hard to find employment. The lure of being able to work from home, set your own hours, be your own boss – it's tempting. There are dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of work-at-home positions luring someone into being a psychic reader. I've seen the ads. “No experience necessary,” they proclaim. Would you want a dentist, or an attorney working for you without previous experience?

This is where the client really has to do their homework. Someone may have the gift of the gab and be delightful with whom to speak, but is it possible to be certain this is a true reading, and not just someone who can be supportive and reassuring? It's a hard question to answer, and a lot of it depends on the awareness of the client.

There are a few ways of determining whether the person you have chose to read you is reputable. Look at the feedback of the reader you are choosing. See if they have repeat clients, and what others are saying about them. It's difficult to tell whether all the feedback is published or just the positive reports, but repeat client business can be an indicator as to whether that reader is worth contacting.

Look at the psychic's bio, and what he or she has to offer. There is no use choosing a reader who specializes in astrology if you want a Tarot reading. Most readers will advertize their specialties. It is just as frustrating for the reader to not be able to assist the client as it is for the client not to get the reading they expected. Different readers will have different skills, too. If you're looking for a medium, don't contact someone who specializes in love and relationships. That makes about as much sense as going to an optician with a toothache!

It's also important for the client to know what they want from the reader, and word their question carefully. There are some questions that a reader simply can't answer, though, no matter how gifted. A favorite question seems to be, “Will I have children with my partner?” No reader who has any sense of responsibility can answer that one! Oh, sure, there are indicators that there may be children, but readers cannot take away a client's free will. The reader could reply that three kids are indicated, and the client could join a convent, take a vow of celibacy, and prove that reader wrong! Readers need to be very careful in order to keep client trust, and gain a good reputation.

In the months to come we'll take a birds' eye view on how you as a client can choose the best reader to help you. We will look at the skills offered, the tools used, and what you can do to ensure that you are enabling the reader to give you the very best of themselves. It's an interesting journey, and one I hope you will enjoy making with me!

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Charlie Rainbow Wolf is an author, artist, alchemist and astrologer. She is happiest when she is creating something, especially if it can be made from items that others have cast aside. Pottery, writing, knitting, gardening, and tarot are her deepest interests, but she happily confesses that she’s easily distracted, because life offers so many wonderful things to explore. Charlie has been doing readings and writing about divination for nearly three decades, so much so that it has become a way of life. She is a keen astroherbologist, an advocate of organic gardening and cooking, and lives in the Midwest with her husband and beloved Great Danes.


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