When will the next Grand Sabbat be?
At the end of any given Grand Sabbat, that's what we throw the bones to determine.
Monumental world-renewing rituals such as the Grand Sabbat, the tribal gathering of the Midwest Tribe of Witches, are mostly not held every year. ('Ware overexposure.) What happens every year invariably ends up being taken for granted, routinized; in the end—gods forbid—it can even become a burden.
So we throw the bones to introduce an element of randomness, and thus meet regularly, at irregular intervals, just as we have for the last 35 years.
(The white deer knucklebones that we cast live between times in an urn here at Temple of the Moon, where they are always available for consultation. Ask me about it some time.)
I always go into the casting with a plan in place. Sometimes the bones speak ambiguously; sometimes they have no opinion. Sometimes (to be quite honest) I just plain don't understand what they say.
Not this year, though. This year, the bones spoke quite clearly.
Two years off, they said.
So here we go. See you in 2027.