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Earthy Thursday October 30
Today leading up to Halloween, our Earthy Thursday focuses on that spooky scary staple -- trees! Famous trees, top 10 trees, old trees, guerilla trees, the Halloween tree.
A solitary Scots Pine nicknamed "the Lonely Tree" has been named "Tree of the Year" in Wales. One caveat -- the tree blew over in hurricane-force winds last winter, and is now at the center of a campaign to save its life.
The Guardian reports on England's short list of top 10 trees, from oaks that witnessed the Magna Charter (and Robin Hood!) to the apple tree that legendarily bonked Isaac Newton on the head.
Like your trees not just big, but really really old? Then this list of the 10 oldest trees on Earth is for you.
These urban guerillas have nothing to do with bombs or protests. They are busy grafting free trees onto ornamental plantings in hopes of creating edible landscapes.
Last, but not least, is our nod to the PaganNewsBeagle's favorite Samhain movie: The Halloween Tree.
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