Earth Bound: Daily Meditations for All Seasons
Earth Bound:
Daily Meditations for All Seasons
by Brian Nelson
Skinner House Books, Boston, 2004
Brian Nelson’s Earth Bound would make a good gift for both the Pagan and the Pagan-friendly. It is a collection of 366 essays, one assigned to each day of the year. As you might expect from the title, the author focuses on nature and the Earth. From this base, he forays into a variety of fields including science, history, music, and art, as well as numerous cultures and religions. Each daily entry is about half a page, just long enough to present an interesting fact or two along with an idea for further exploration.
Nelson also makes liberal use of quotations, from which he spins his own web of personal insight. The items are mostly “little known” facts. As a publication of the Unitarian
Universalist Association, this book treats all religions with respect. Some examples include: viewing Eve not as sinfully disobedient, but as a revolutionary heroine (September 10); questioning “What are the trees telling you?” (May 10); demanding “What do you believe simply because you have been told — and what have you taken care to investigate firsthand?” (February 19).
The reader is challenged to slow down and enjoy. Recommended for the nature lover, the introspective, the seeker, and anyone who wants to develop awareness of self and beyond. KaTimka (Kat) Thorfinn.
» Originally appeared in PanGaia #43
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