Say It With Tarot

Everything you want to know about Tarot--especially for contemplation, self-empowerment, personal growth and creativity--from Tarot expert, author and deck co-creator Janet Boyer.

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Cultivating Gratitude with Tarot

Posted by on in Culture Blogs
6 of Coins Cropped 400
6 Material Card (6 of Coins) from the Snowland Deck

I had thought about writing a post using specific Tarot cards as gratitude talismans.

That is, using certain Tarot cards--especially ones that some would associate with gratitude or abundance--for the conscious cultivation of thankfulness.

The more I thought of it, the more I realized that every single one of the 78 cards of Tarot can be used to inspire gratitude, draw out thankfulness or cultivate mindful appreciation.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the physical, mental and emotional benefits of gratitude. If you don't use a gratitude journal, try writing in one using Tarot cards as prompts. You don't have to have a fancy or expensive journal; a dollar store notebook is fine!

Here are my contributions. What affirmations can you come up with for each card? What does each Tarot card inspire you to be thankful for?

The Fool - I am thankful for blank slates.

The Magician - I am grateful that I have many creative tools at my disposal.

The High Priestess - I am thankful for the rich wisdom that is inside me.

The Empress - I am so thankful to be Mom to the most precious, extraordinarily wise, kind and gentle person I know.

The Emperor - I am grateful that I can set boundaries easily.

The Hierophant - I am thankful for special teachers who have graced my life.

The Lovers - I am grateful for committed, joyful monogamy!

The Chariot - I am thankful that I have strong will, drive and focus.

Strength Cropped 400
Strength from the Snowland Deck

Strength - I am grateful that I'm incredibly resilient.

The Hermit - I am thankful that I have a family that honors the power of "alone time".

Wheel of Fortune - I'm grateful that I've handled everything life's thrown at me.

Justice - Although earthly justice fails miserably, I'm thankful for karma.

The Hanged Man - I'm grateful for "time outs" that help me see things in a new light or gently encourage a new approach.

Death - I am grateful for the ability to reframe endings.

Temperance - I am thankful for an experimental attitude.

The Devil - I am grateful for the courage to stare down "demons"--my own, and other's.

The Tower - I am thankful for earth-shattering experiences that opened my eyes and heart.

The Star - I am grateful for wonderment, wishes and "kid stuff".

The Moon - I am thankful for delicious mysteries.

Sun Cropped 400
The Sun from the Snowland Deck

The Sun - I am grateful for air conditioning in the summer!

Judgement - I am thankful for the knowledge of sacred contracts.

The World - I am grateful to "the world" for its study in contrasts.

Ace of Wands - I am thankful for frequent sparks of passion concerning new ideas and endeavors.

Two of Wands - I'm grateful for those unafraid of disagreement or conflict.

Three of Wands - I'm thankful that I go after my ships instead of waiting for them.

Four of Wands - I'm grateful for a quiet, rural neighborhood.

Five of Wands - I'm thankful for the times hubby and son engage in vigorous, hilarious horseplay!

Six of Wands - I'm grateful that I only compete against myself.

Seven of Wands - I'm thankful that mobs have never taken me down.

Eight of Wands - I am grateful for the miracle of the internet!

Nine of Wands - I am thankful that what hasn't killed me has made me stronger!

Ten of Wands - I am grateful for a husband and son that willingly do the "heavy lifting" when needed.

Page of Wands - I am thankful for a curious spirit.

Knight of Wands - I'm thankful for a can-do attitude.

Queen of Wands - I'm grateful for an entrepreneurial know-how.

King of Wands - I am thankful for publishers who produce wonderful books!

Ace of Cups - I am grateful for forgiveness and compassion.

2 of Cups Cropped 400
2 Emoting Card (2 of Cups) from the Snowland Deck

Two of Cups - I am thankful that I'm married to my best friend.

Three of Cups - I'm grateful for my family of three and the fun we have!

Four of Cups - I'm thankful that I'm rarely bored.

Five of Cups - I'm grateful that hurt feelings are temporary.

Six of Cups - I'm thankful for old school TV shows (50s-70s)!

Seven of Cups - I'm grateful for a wide array of opportunities and choices.

Eight of Cups - I am thankful that I don't have to finish what I start.

Nine of Cups - I am grateful for times of indulgence!

Ten of Cups - I am thankful for a harmonious home life.

Page of Cups - I am thankful for my artistic, sensitive son.

Knight of Cups - I am grateful that chivalry is not dead.

Queen of Cups - I am thankful for strong intuition.

King of Cups - I am grateful to those who curate, direct and present beauty.

Ace of Pentacles - I am thankful for income opportunities.

Two of Pentacles - I am grateful that I can multi-task well.

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3 Material Card (3 of Coins) from the Snowland Deck

Three of Pentacles - I am thankful that I don't work for anyone or need permission to do what I do.

Four of Pentacles - I am thankful that my husband tends to be a saver rather than a spender.

Five of Pentacles - I am grateful that rejection and blackballing hasn't snuffed out my spark.

Six of Pentacles - I am thankful for the generosity of others.

Seven of Pentacles - I am grateful for the ability to evaluate usefulness and ROI.

Eight of Pentacles - I am thankful that my husband has a steady job.

Nine of Pentacles - I am grateful for comfortable surroundings.

Ten of Pentacles - I'm thankful that family legacies aren't mine and don't have to be, either.

Page of Pentacles - I'm grateful that I love to learn!

Knight of Pentacles - I'm thankful for my husband's reliability.

Queen of Pentacles - I'm grateful for the animal kingdom, including my fur babies!

King of Pentacles - I'm thankful that TurboTax makes my life simpler come April!

Ace of Swords - I'm grateful for the gift of discernment.

2 of Swords Cropped 400
2 Mental Card (2 of Swords) from the Snowland Deck

Two of Swords - I'm thankful that I don't wear blindfolds or masks.

Three of Swords - I'm grateful for friendship forged in adversity.

Four of Swords - I'm thankful for medications like Lexapro that help still the mind.

Five of Swords - I'm grateful for integrity.

Six of Swords - I'm thankful for the gifts of science.

Seven of Swords - I'm grateful for being a step ahead.

Eight of Swords - I'm thankful I'm not a victim.

Nine of Swords - I'm grateful that anxiety and panic attacks have been absent for a long time.

Ten of Swords - I'm thankful for the ability to detach from mental overload and stimulation.

Page of Swords - I'm thankful for the levity of pranks.

Knight of Swords - I'm grateful for those who protect my freedom.

Queen of Swords - I'm thankful for critical reasoning.

King of Swords - I'm grateful for high standards.

Your turn! Can you come up with affirmations or sentiments of gratitude for all 78 cards in the Tarot?

-- Janet

Card images from the Snowland Deck. Art by Ron Boyer. 

Last modified on
Janet Boyer is the author of Back in Time Tarot (Hampton Roads), Tarot in Reverse (Schiffer Publishing) and Naked Tarot: Sassy, Stripped-Down Advice (Dodona Books). She's the co-creator (with her husband, artist Ron Boyer) of the Snowland Deck and Coffee Tarot, and authored both companion books to those decks. A Renaissance Soul, she is also an award-winning cook, mixed media artist, jewelry artisan and journal maker. Next to creating, her favorite thing to do is spend time with her beloved husband, son and 5 cats at her rural home in Pennsylvania. Visit her at


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