Pagan Scholar

Pagan Scholar seeks to examine particular topics within Paganism through the various lenses of philosophy.
Also, I make goofy vlogs and review books.
Formerly, A Pagan Aesthetic.

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An unpublished writer but a published poet, Travis writes in the hopes that he can actually use his philosophy degree for something other than grad school. He finds pleasure in working uncommon words into his lexiconic exchanges, discovering work cited lists in religious studies books, and in general pretending his life is not dissimilar that of a 50's Parisian beatnik (ennui: check). He practices what essentially boils down to Wicca with influences from his studies in Philosophy of Hermeneutics, Existentialism, and Mysticism.

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"For Entertainment Purposes Only"


"For Entertainment Purposes Only" Or "I Went To A Psychic Fair & No One Knew I Was Sad"

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By making this video Im ultimately inviting the scorn of all internet Pagans to rise up and object. Etymology is a touchy subject for some Pagans, which is exactly what this chapter of Her Hidden Children explores. Some will defend the proposed ideas that certain words mean certain things, and you know what?

That's totally ok.

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Ch 2 Calling it "Nature Religion"

Topics of interest in this video: Thomas Morton, three ways of interpreting "Nature", and questions of legitimacy/ establishing a religion as valid in the eyes of other religions. And wind. Lots of wind.

This is Ch. 2 of Her Hidden Children by Chas Clifton reviewed by moi, Travis on my youtube channel, Pagan Scholar. Enjoy!

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Ch. 1 of Her Hidden Children

Hey everyone! Im back after an unexpected hiatus. If you like, you can read along (or just watch and listen) to my forthcoming reviews and summaries of Her Hidden Children by Chas Clifton. It's a book that explores how Wicca and Paganism spread and developed across America. The review starts about two minutes in after some updates.

Side note/Correction: Buckland is still alive, when I say he was a prominent writer, I was thinking about a different author. My bad! 

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Ok everyone! We made a few more videos. This one deals with the chapters in Ronald Huttons book Triumph of The Moon "Finding a Structure" "Finding a High Magic" and "Finding a Low Magic". I only went mildly crazy trying to make this video. Check it out if your too busy to read and just want bite size clips on these chapters. As always thanks so much for watching and if you liked it ... well, maybe you could like the video on youtuber subscribe? Just throwin' that out there. Mull it over. 


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Ok everyone, with the help of my lovely and talented boyfriend, I made ... something. I thought it would be fun to start a vlog on pagan subjects. By doing this, Im probably (ultimately) going to invite internet trolls and fiery internet pagans into my life to either ridicule or inform me what Im saying is wrong, but as my mormon mother would say, "to hell with it!" 

I wanted to make something informative, but funny and edgy. I figured I would start out simple, a book review/report. I went with Ronald Huttons Triumph of The Moon because its (somewhat) a respected authority on the topic of contemporary paganism/wicca/witchcraft. Its been up for one day and Iv allready been so graciously informed that my book choice was less than stellar and that I should have chosen a different book. The winds of change and opportunity are swift. 

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  • Lia Hunter
    Lia Hunter says #
    My Mormon mother would blush at your Mormon mother, but I thought that was funny! I wish you luck with your vlogging, and protecti

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Review of Ch. 1 in Triumph of The Moon

As a way to keep the blog flowing (and supplement a new project Ill share with you soon!) I'm rereading Ronald Hutton's Triumph of The Moon. I'm placing here summaries of the chapters for reference and easy reading for any of you who don't have the book. 

Ronald Hutton’s Triumph of The Moon, undertakes the task of tracing the developments of contemporary paganism and witchcraft as it originated in the English speaking nations of Europe and their influences. His first chapter, “Finding A Language” is a necessary foundation for the reader, supplying and clarifying a vocabulary with which the rest of the book uses and sets the historical framework within which the events examined take place. Hutton superbly mingles witty observations with historical records and cultural paradigms to produce, not merely definitions, but a working understanding of how and why the terms came to be.

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