SageWoman Blogs

Tarot can be used for many things including futurecasting. This blog will focus on Tarot as a tool for introspection including spreads, readings, individual card explorations and investigating themes of Tarot. You can expect discussions of magical uses of Tarot as well. If you have a question, please send it for possible inclusion in a blog topic.

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Revealing The Blind Spot: A Tarot Spread

b2ap3_thumbnail_SunMoonJustice.jpgA lot of my work as a professional Tarot conversationalist involves helping others see their blocks. We all have them. Many of us spend a lot of time ignoring them then falling over them. One of the most useful things to do with Tarot can be digging into those blind spots. They say Justice is blind, but I don't think they meant this.

I've developed a spread to help find the blind spot. It asks five questions to investigate what we are blind to in ourselves. More importantly, the spread focuses on why and how to integrate it into our selves to become more whole. This spread is meant for those of us who want to

explore themselves using Tarot as a tool.

I think first we have to know what we see to be able to understand what we don't. One person might see themselves as an amazing, critical voice who helps others make choices. But he might not see his own block of ego that won't allow him to hear others when they are critical of him. Still another might see themselves as the most positive person in the world. Yet she can't see her own denial of the very real negative things in her life as a block.

So the first question explores what would like to see about ourselves. It is the shield we use to deflect ourselves from seeing the blind spot. The spread is laid out in the shape of a shield for that reason. Imagine that even a warrior must lay down their shield every now and again.

The second question would be to identify what it is that we fail to see. This would be the actual thing behind the blind spot. This is generally an uncomfortable position because most of us spend a lot of time trying to not see this. Give yourself plenty of compassion here but don't allow yourself to lie. Remember that no one else has to see your answers to this spread so you can be as authentic as you like.

b2ap3_thumbnail_2012BFPReunionCorneliussmall.jpg Third position asks why you fail to see this thing. What motivates you to ignore it? Like some parents who let their toddler run wild rather than engage a possible meltdown, we turn a blind eye to the things we do in order to not see this blind spot. We don't want to endure our own metaphorical (or very real) meltdown. I refer to this as my T-Rex in toddler PJ's moment. For this question, rather than focusing on blaming yourself, ask yourself about the reasons you feel safer not seeing this. Blaming yourself really doesn't do a lot of good. In fact, you may find that you become more defensive than anything else.

The fourth question has you digging into another why. Ask yourself why you should try to see it. What are the benefits of understanding this stumbling block? How can you grow from this information? Here is your opportunity to turn the negative into a positive.

Finally end this questioning of the self session by asking how you can blend this now visible block into your life. How can you incorporate the information? Shadows are not terrible things. They are just different. Most of us spend our lives celebrating the light so it can be a challenge to face a shadow. I don't know that eradicating shadow is something I would advocate for. Rather, I would encourage you to understand that shadow. Then you have the ability to negotiate with yourself when that now visible "blind spot" shows up.


Revealing The Blind Spot

  1. What would I rather see?
  2. What do I fail to see?
  3. Why do I fail to see it?
  4. Why should I try to see it?
  5. How can I incorporate this new information into my world?

Feel free to use this for yourself but don't publish it or post it without express, written permission. I'd love to hear from you as well. Please do leave me a comment if you are so moved.

*Sun and Moon Tarot  created by Vanessa Decort  © 2012 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc., 179 Ludlow Street, Stamford, CT 06902 USA.  Used with the permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.. All rights reserved.

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Professional Tarot conversationalist, Arwen Lynch has worked with Tarot as a vehicle for personal transformation since 1980. Her personal philosophy is that Tarot is best used to correct your life course. She is a published author (in romance, as Marilu Mann) as well as past president of the American Tarot Association (4/1/2007-4/1/2014). She specializes in helping people who are determined find their joy and writers who want to finish their book. She's an initiate of Wicca.


  • Chloe
    Chloe Saturday, 27 July 2013

    Gorgeous-looking spread, Arwen, though not for the faint-hearted! And I love your T-Rex in PJ's ;D

  • Lisa Hunt
    Lisa Hunt Sunday, 28 July 2013

    Wonderful post, Arwen! I'm very glad you brought up the "shadow". This is such a misunderstood aspect of our psyches. Ignoring it is NOT an option because it is an integral part of who we are. Addressing the shadow and recognizing its presence is essential if we want to eliminate "blind spots" and work towards viewing ourselves with more objectivity. Thank you for your fabulous insights!

  • Emily Mills
    Emily Mills Sunday, 28 July 2013

    I adapted this by focusing it on what I'm not seeing about my chronic illness. It was extremely enlightening in a surprising way. Since I've been chronically ill for over five years, it's become a part of myself that I think I know well, but this spread showed me a surprising block in how I am dealing with it.

  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis Thursday, 01 August 2013

    Arwen, so glad u r blogging here, it makes me feel at home as a new blogger here myself. Big hugs and love. And, yes, you know I am a big one for ferreting out one's inner blocks, so I have used tarot for it with my clients for decades and taught my students same. I adore you, as you know, it is so good that I am not the only one with this approach, we need a lot of spiritual counselers and teachers helping people uncover the gold gold gold within!

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