Pagan Studies

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Coronation Day


Whether you live in the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern Hemisphere, it will not be that long until it is the Solstice. The Solstice always brings to mind, for me, the journey of Spirit into Matter and round again. It is also a time to recognize the divine spark that exists within each of us as well as that which exists in the Heavens. This blog post looks towards that upcoming holy day and also takes my previous post’s comments on dialogue with the Divine in a different direction. I will ask that you indulge me in reading a poem that I wrote to capture the gist and the geist of a dream before it faded back to the astral. Read it at least twice or better yet read it out loud. Poems are meant to be spoken and to be heard if they are to be fully experienced.



Coronation Day


On distant Alytan,

Long lost to the sight of the living

Hidden not in time,

But by the shrouds of memory

Hidden not in time,

But by the drunkenness of disbelief

Hidden not in time,

But by the film that gauzes desolate eyes



On distant Alytan

Deep within the living skies where the nights—

Are filled with the birth waters of stars

Are filled with moons as numerous as stars

Are filled with the lightning of Jovian worlds



When in the rolling dance of the Spheres,

The figure of the Bridge appears

Then it is Coronation Day on Alytan

In every field, in every valley

Through every street,  through every path

On every white peaked mountain, 

On every white capped sea

The people prepare for the Moment


Voices rise in praisesong mingled 

Instruments call an answer to the ringing sistrum

The ringing sistrum hung high

High on the Hill of the Tree

Each soul on distant Alytan lifts hands to the heavens

Lifts hands to the heavens


It is Coronation Day

Each Soul swears fealty

It is Coronation Day

A crown of lights of hammered flame

Appears above each head

A crown of lights, lucent with the fires of their Spirits

Appears high above the Hill,  above the Tree

It is Coronation Day

Each Soul swears fealty to the crown—

The crown of their divinity


In the Moment of the Bridge they remember

There On distant Alytan, 

Long lost to the sight of the living, 

They remember.


By Ivo Domínguez,  Jr. (1994)



It is my belief that if we honor the Divine within us, it is easier to cross the bridge to join with the Divine that surrounds us. Please consider including in your meditations, rituals, or prayers some recognition of your own personal divinity as we approach the season of the Solstice. There is a time honored magickal principle that states that: “like calls to like.” If we are to engage in dialogue with our God/dess/es, then first we should awaken within ourselves the part of us that is most like them. I completely concur with those that write about the importance of loving yourself. I would also add that there is a need for loyalty and fealty to the part of you that is your divine spark. It may be that you think that loyalty and fealty are inherent in love. That may be the case and even if it is so, stating them as separate concepts brings them into our awareness and remembrance. That is one of the ways that I believe we tend our true will. 


May you find whatever you need, to crown yourself with your starry inheritance.


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Ivo Domínguez, Jr. is a visionary, and a practitioner of a variety of esoteric disciplines who has been active in Wicca and the Pagan community since 1978. He serves as one of the Elders of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, a Wiccan syncretic tradition that draws inspiration from Astrology, Qabala, the Western Magickal Tradition and the folk religions of Europe. He is the author of Keys to Perception: A Practical Guide to Psychic Development, Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans, Casting Sacred Space: The Core Of All Magickal Work; Spirit Speak: Knowing and Understanding Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ghosts, Angels, and the Divine; Beneath the Skins with other books in the pipeline as well.


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