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Explore the shadow aspects of tarot cards to help you uncover your own personal shadows and incorporate techniques, such as exercises and affirmations, to begin your journey of healing.

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Finding Grace with Gratefulness


Are you grateful for what you have in life?  This months card is a reminder that while we strive for all of the luxuries that we want, we have to be grateful for what we already have.  

In the 9 of Coins from Tarot of the Absurd by Jessica Rose Shanahan, we have a person who is active by a tree that holds an abundance of coins and she holds one in her hands.  The many coins are a culmination of everything that she has accumulated in her life and she holds onto them with all of her might.  It appears that she is dancing, showing her appreciation and happiness for everything that she has within her grasp.  This tree has given her abundance and an opportunity to be self sufficient.   


If we look at the shadow side, we can see a few different things. We can see that she is too engrossed with her possessions, paying too much attention to what she has accumulated, so much, in fact, that she is in her own little world.  She is so enamored with her possessions that she pays no attention to what else is going on around her or to her loved ones.   


We can also see that she is so focused on accumulating her things that she doesn’t appreciate what she already has.  It becomes a matter of collecting as much stuff as she possibly can and the stuff is all that matters because affluence, or the appearance of affluence, is her goal. 


If you are feeling stuck and it seems as though one thing after another is going wrong and you can’t seem to catch a break, it could be that you are experiencing the shadow of the 9 of Coins.  When we aren’t grateful for what we have and we keep striving for more, we can end up getting caught up in a snowball effect.  The more we complain about the negative things in our life, the more negativity we attract and it keeps going until it is one thing after another.  It’s difficult to feel grateful for what we have when we are seemingly in a storm of negativity but it’s up to us to change our mindset.  The best way to start is to write down what we are grateful for and it is something that we need to do every day.  If it is not done every day it is easier for the negative thinking to creep in while we are trying to change our vibration and be more positive.  Even if you only write down one or two things every day or even if they are the same things over and over again, write them down for the entire month. 


Also, carefully listen to your thoughts and what you say to others this month.  If you find yourself thinking or talking negatively, change what you were going to say into something positive.  It’s amazing how we can easily catch ourselves saying negative things when we start to pay attention to ourselves.  Try to catch your thoughts and statements around how much work you have to do in order to buy this or buy that.  If it is a reoccurring pattern then you need to change your thinking around this as well.   


Where is your focus at? Are you paying so much attention on work so you can obtain all of the material possessions that you are neglecting your friends and family?  Be honest with yourself.  What would happen if you didn’t buy those possessions that you so desperately want?  What would happen if you spent more time with your family and friends rather than your possessions or working toward your possessions?  Instead of concentrating on possessions, concentrate more on people.  Make a phone call to a friend that you haven’t spoken to in awhile.  Make a date with a loved one, even if it is just for coffee.  When you do interact with others, make sure that you look them in the eyes and really listen to what they are saying.  Don’t let your mind wander to what you could be working on to bring the money in.  Give them your full undivided attention.  You wouldn’t want to be talking to someone and have them blank out on you, would you?  They deserve the same courtesy and you. 


If you follow these guidelines, at the end of the next few weeks, you will find that you will be thinking more positively and have stronger relationships in your life.  Give it a shot!  You really do have a lot to be thankful for. 


This month’s affirmations:  


“I am grateful that I have everything that I need.” 


“I value my relationships with the people that I love.” 


Have a great month!! 




Card from Tarot of the Absurd by Jessica Rose Shanahan


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Reading the cards since 1999, Machelle enjoys using her empathy and intuition to assist others gain insight into their lives, helping them on their path of personal development and enlightenment.  Her specialty is working with shadows, where she helps others discover and heal the hidden shadows of self that have been tucked away for self preservation but have, in fact, limited each person’s ability to live to their fullest potential.  Also a Reiki Practitioner, she is committed to helping others heal through her business Ray of Light Tarot & Reiki.


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